After Cancer is a resource for normalizing sexual health in a cancer care setting.
Erin Sullivan Wagner
Cancer Survivor
Health Care Consultant and Patient Life Coach
“Patients need oncology providers to normalize the sexual health conversation for them so concerns can be addressed and expectations set for their life after the diagnosis. It’s time to bridge the communication gap that exists between patients and providers on this topic. The All of Me project is a sustainable training program, giving oncology health care providers, the necessary tools to comfortably and consistently address sexual health with their patients.”
Veronika Kolder, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. ObGyn
Medical Director, Menopause & Sexual Health Cinic, UIHC
As a gynecologist who heard the concerns of 50 oncology advanced practice professionals and nurses across Iowa during the initial phase of this project, I want to underscore the key role of oncologists in endorsing and delegating sexual health care.
Your patients want you to focus on curing or controlling their cancer, but quality of life is also important. Your care team needs a clear directive from you. Please ask them to provide sexual health care and support them by endorsing NCCN protocols and referral algorithms that fit your communities needs.
Our All of Me customized site visit team will suggest protocols and referral algorithms for your clinic and will ask for your endorsement. With your approval, our clinic will then be recognized on a map of Iowa on the website and you will be welcomed to use the All of Melogo.
Iowa Map of Project Narration
See the All of Me project work across the state of Iowa to include 10 Awareness Raising and Grand Round Lecture sites, the 3 All of Me Conference sites, the Half-Day Accredited Workshop locations, and the sites of the 3 All of Me Pilot Studies.